Presentation Details

This Presentation Has Been Rated PG-13 Due to Inappropriate Student Language and Behavior: Some material may result in increased teaching time and decreased student challenges.

What might teachers accomplish if student discipline challenges decreased by 90%? These four research and evidence-based classroom management strategies will help teachers respond to low-level behaviors and can easily be implemented in their classrooms tomorrow! These strategies will help teachers master minor behavior problems before they morph into major ones.

Strand & Topic: Instruction > Classroom Management
Audience: Classroom Teachers > K-8

Handout: 210000022_Vicino.pdf

Presented by:

Ms. Deborah Vicino, Education Advocate, Retired Assistant Principal, Hollywood Academy of Arts and Science (Formerly)

Date: Thursday, October 21, 2021
Time: 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Room: Bonaire 5

Date, time and/or room may change if the presenter has a scheduling conflict.

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