Presentation Details

The Charter School Program Grant Amendment Process

This session will explain the budget amendment process for schools receiving grants through the Charter Schools Program (CSP). The presentation will cover both submitting amendments and how such amendments are reviewed at the state level. Highly recommended for all CSP grant recipients.

Strand & Topic: Business > School Operations
Audience: School-based Administrators > K-12

Handout: 210000083_CSP_Amendments.pdf

Presented by:

Mr. Horace Taylor, Charter Budget Analyst, Florida Department of Education
Ms. Bess Grasswick, CSP Grant Specialist, Florida Department of Education

Date: Thursday, October 21, 2021
Time: 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Room: Grand Sierra C

Date, time and/or room may change if the presenter has a scheduling conflict.

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