Presentation Details

Know HOW FTE is Counted and Prepare NOW for FEFP Audits!

Learn how to prepare for FTE survey counts, how FTE is calculated and adjusted, how to train staff to maintain adequate documentation, how to avoid the negative FEFP Audit findings and what to do if your school is selected for an FEFP Audit.

Strand & Topic: Business > School Operations
Audience: School-based Administrators > K-12

Handout: 210000036_Binns.pdf

Presented by:

Dr. Andrew Binns, Board Chair, Palm Beach Maritime Academy
Mrs. Melissa Gross-Arnold, Attorney, Arnold Law firm

Date: Thursday, October 21, 2021
Time: 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Room: Bonaire 1

Date, time and/or room may change if the presenter has a scheduling conflict.

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