Convention Center Rules & Regulations

  1. No sample food and/or beverage products may be distributed by exhibitors except upon written authorization from the Convention Services Manager.
  2. Any vehicle displayed in a show must have the battery cables disconnected. The gas tank must either be taped shut or have a lockable gas cap and may contain no more than of a tank of fuel.
  3. The use of propane, flammable bottled gas, liquid/gel fuels or open flame is prohibited with the building.
  4. Any other type of pressurized tank, cylinder or vessel must be properly secured to prevent damage to it.
  5. Helium users must receive authorization from the Convention Services Manager and are responsible for the safe removal of all helium filled balloons, novelties or vehicles from the building at the end of the event,
  6. Decorations, signs, banners, etc., may not be taped, nailed, tacked, stapled or otherwise fastened to any portion of the facility.
  7. No holes may be drilled, cored or punched in the building.
  8. Freight deliveries will not be accepted by the convention center.
  9. Parking on loading docks, except for loading and unloading, is prohibited. Violator's vehicle(s) will be towed at owner's expense.

Exhibit Schedule

Tuesday, November 19 Exhibit Hall Set-up by General Services Contractor 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. 
  Exhibit Hall Set-up by Exhibitors 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
  Exhibit Hall Open 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 20 Exhibit Hall Open 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  Exhibit Hall Break Down 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.


No one will be permitted to assemble or breakdown exhibits during the exhibit hours. Exhibitors will be permitted access to their booth during set-up time on set-up day, one hour before the opening of exhibits and one hour after closing. No one will be permitted in the exhibit area at any other time without permission from the Exhibit Hall Manager.

Booth Information
Booth rate: $920 per 8' deep x 10' wide space

Fee includes the following:

Any additional needs, such as carpet, electricity, Internet, A/V, Food & Beverage, are at the exhibitor’s expense.

Payment and Refund
Booth payment is due prior to the event. Cancellations made prior to two weeks after the booth sales deadline, will be allowed a refund less a $200 administrative fee. Cancellations after that date will be charged the FULL rental fee. Cancellations of exhibit space must be emailed to FCSC. Phone cancellations will not be accepted.

No Shows
Exhibitors not set up in their assigned booth by the start time on opening day will be considered a no show unless prior arrangements are made with the conference planner. No refund will be provided for a no show exhibitor.

Booth Assignments
Exhibit space will be assigned in the order in which paid applications are received after the Partners have made their booth selection. Exhibit Management shall use its best efforts to locate the booth away from like vendors and will accept requests to be positioned alongside other specific exhibitors based on availability. Exhibit Management reserves the right to change location assignments when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the event.

Exhibitor Representatives
The exhibiting company shall name one individual as the duly authorized representative, to have charge of the exhibit, and to accept and assume responsibility for such representatives, or alternates, in attendance at the exhibit throughout all exhibit periods. Exhibitors (two per booth) shall receive and wear identification tags. Additional persons may be in the exhibit booth for a fee of $50 per person. 

Electrical, Internet and Phone Needs
All electrical, Internet and phone needs are at the exhibitor’s expense and must be handled through the facility. Service order forms can be found in AGS Expo's online Exhibitors' Handbook.

Food & Beverage
No food and/or beverage may be brought into the facility. All catering orders must be made through the facility. Contact information can be found in the online Exhibitors' Handbook.

Property Damage
Nothing shall be posted, tacked, nailed, screwed, or otherwise attached to the walls, floors, or other parts of the hotel or Exhibit Hall without permission from the AGS Expo representative. Packing, unpacking and assembly of exhibits shall be done only in designated areas and in conformity with the directions of the AGS Expo staff, the conference manager or their assistants.

Display Compliance
All exhibitor displays must must be in compliance with the IAEE Guidelines for Displays. If an exhibitor display is not in compliance, the exhibitor will be required to remove out of compliance parts of the display before the exhibit hall opens. If exhibitor refuses to remove non-compliant items, the agreement to exhibit will be terminated and the exhibitor will be required to vacate the booth space and event facility within one hour of being notified by event staff. No refund will be provided for exhibitors with non-compliant setups.

Exhibit Restrictions
Exhibits may not extend beyond the space allotted and aisles must be kept clear for traffic. Exhibits may not obstruct the view or interfere with traffic to exhibits of others.

Mechanical reproduction of sound or music relating to an exhibit must be kept at a sufficiently low volume so as to not project beyond the confines of the exhibitor’s booth.

Reasonable precaution will be taken to protect property during the set-up, show and move-out periods. Security service will be in place overnight. FCSC or AGS Expo is not liable for damages or stolen property.

Floor Sales
Merchandise may be sold on the exhibition floor. 

Samples and Souvenirs
Distribution of samples and souvenirs is permitted providing there is no interference with adjoining exhibitors and is conducted in a dignified basis.

Delivery of Materials
AGS Expo’s Service Package includes:

To protect your display in transit, you are urged to carry all-risk floater insurance covering your materials against damage, loss, and all other hazards from the time shipment is made from your place of business until your materials are received back after the show. This can generally be done for a nominal cost by adding a rider to an existing insurance policy.

Early Tear-down
Early tear-down or dismantling of exhibits is strictly prohibited. Tear-down of a booth disrupts the integrity of the show, and endangers attendees still in the exhibit hall. Exhibitors agree to keep the contents of their booths fully in place until the official close of the exhibit hall. Any exhibitor found in non-compliance will not be allowed to exhibit at the next event.

Any and all matters not specifically covered by the preceding rules and regulations shall be subject solely to the decision of the Florida Charter School Conference organizers. The Florida Charter School Conference organizers shall have full power to interpret, amend, and enforce these rules and regulations, providing any amendments, when made, are brought to the notice of the exhibitors. Each exhibitor, for itself and its employees, agrees to abide by the foregoing rules and regulations and by any amendments or additions thereto in conformance with the preceding sentence.

Liability and Insurance
Exhibitor assumes responsibility and agrees to indemnify and defend the conference and Hotel and its respective owners, employees, and agents against any claims and expenses arising out of the use of the Exhibition Area. Exhibitor understands that neither the conference nor the Hotel maintains insurance covering the Exhibitor’s property, and it is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain such insurance.

All property of the Exhibitor remains under its care, custody and control in transit to and from Exhibit Hall, during installation and removal; and while it is within the confines of the Exhibit Hall, neither Exhibit Management, or the Exhibition Sponsor, the owners or management of the Exhibit Hall nor any of the officers, staff members, or directors of any of the same are responsible for the safety of the property of Exhibitors from theft, damage by fire, accident, vandalism or other causes. Exhibitor expressly waives and releases any claim or demand it may have against any of them by reason of any damage to or loss of any property of the Exhibitor, except where the damage or loss is due to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Exhibit Management, the owners or management of the Exhibits Hall, or the Exhibition Sponsor, their agents or employees, arising out of Exhibit Management’s, the owners or managers of the Exhibit Hall or Exhibitors Sponsor’s duties and responsibilities under this agreement.

Exhibitor understands that neither Exhibit Management, the Exhibit Hall, nor the Exhibition Sponsor carry business interruption and/or property damage insurance coverage for loss or damage of Exhibitor’s property. The Exhibitor agrees to obtain commercial general liability insurance coverage including protective and contractual liability for bodily injury and property damage during the dates of the Exhibition including move-in and move-out days. Exhibitors are encouraged to name the Florida Charter School Conference as Additional Insured on General Liability Coverage for the entirety of the event.

The Florida Charter School Conference (FCSC) reserves the right without recourse to absolutely control or prohibit any exhibit, which in its opinion, is not suitable or in keeping with the character of the conference. This regulation concerns persons, things, conduct, printed matter, souvenirs, catalogue, etc. FCSC reserves the right to withdraw an exhibitor if payment has not been received by the conference date.